AI Mentor

free initial consultation


Chatbot LuKa is an innovative AI mentor from Headformers, designed to offer professional athletes practical help with mental preparation.

It sends you top tips for improving mental resilience straight from our experience. Get a head start with LuKa – easily, anywhere, anytime. Move your head and win anything.

Chatbot LuKa is an innovative AI mentor from Headformers, designed to offer professional athletes practical help with mental preparation.

It sends you top tips for improving mental resilience straight from our experience. Get a head start with LuKa – easily, anywhere, anytime. Move your head and win anything.

As a LuKa chatbot user,
you can expect


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Tailored advice

Based on your specific needs and goals, LuKa will provide you with customized strategies and exercises. This advice is aimed at improving your concentration, managing stress and building mental resilience, which are key aspects for any athlete.

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The chatbot is programmed using the knowledge and experience of Headformers' experts, so you're getting proven and effective methods that have been applied and tested in practice.

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Privacy and

LuKa guarantees complete confidentiality and protection of your personal information, so you can pursue your mental preparation with the confidence that your information is safe.

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Trained Chat GPT

Luka is an assistant operating on the basis of Chat GPT. We have taught him all the methods and strategies that we use at Headformers when working with professional athletes. Thanks to this, Luka can help you achieve anything, anytime.


What LuKa Is Not

It is not a substitute for
a therapist or

If you're looking for deep psychological support or therapy, LuKa can serve as a tool, but we recommend you contact a licensed professional.

Don't expect a miracle

LuKa provides tools and techniques, but without your active participation and practice, there will be no improvement.

LuKa helps
professional athletes


Karolína Fričová

Skusala som chatbota a posobilo to na mna celkom fajn. Akurat mi prislo zvlastne, co vsetko vie a ze je celkom ludsky 😅 Pytal sa ma v podstate az pokial neprisiel k nejakemu zaveru a potom mi poradil konkretne riesenie. Pytal sa ma vzdy trefne. Na mna to posobilo dobre a keby mam nejaky akutny problem, tak by som sa nato vedela obratit. Na začiatku to bolo zvlástne ale je to len o zvyku.


Michaela Krajčovičová

Poviem ti je to brutal. 👌🏻Ako keby som sa rozprávala s tebou.

Get in touch
and we’ll achieve
your goals together

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Úvodná konzultácia zdarma
AI mentor LukaStart consultation